1: <?php
3: /**
4: * TODO: Decide exactly what a CSV parser should do. What format of PHP objects/arrays?
5: */
6: class RESTian_Text_Csv_Parser extends RESTian_Parser_Base {
7: /**
8: * Returns an object or array of stdClass objects from a string containing HTML
9: *
10: * @param string $body
11: * @return array|object|void A(n array of) stdClass object(s) with structure dictated by the passed HTML string.
12: * @throws Exception
13: */
14: function parse( $body ) {
15: if (1) // This logic here only to get PhpStorm to stop highlighting the return as an error.
16: throw new Exception( 'The ' . __CLASS__ . ' class has not yet been implemented.' );
17: return $body;
18: }
19: }